Friday, July 1, 2011

Temple Ordinances/ Family Sharing time

Sharing time- I can go to the temple to recieve ordinances for my ancestors when I am older
October 2012 week 4 theme

                We learn from the song, "Families Can be Together Forever" that “The temple is a holy place where we are sealed together.” If we obey the Lord and make promises with Him in the temple, and as it says in the last part of D&C 132:46-… whatsoever you bind on earth, in my name and by my word, saith the Lord, it shall be eternally bound in the heavens;

                So I have a family tree with branches by the dozen, I have grandmas… we are going to help the family on this family tree become a “forever family”. (huge tree with pictures on the branches) Our goal is to get each member to the temple, but there are sacred ordinances that need to happen before the family can be a forever family. An ordinance is a sacred act of God performed by the authority of the priesthood. We are going to learn about those ordinances that save a person in heaven and bind family members together.

                Let’s start with the children on the tree. We are looking for Bobby. (Have child remove Bobby(primary picture 3-13 or from the tree) Bobby just turned eight and is worthy to be baptized which is a saving ordinance. That means it HAS to happen to be a forever family. (Turn picture over to reveal picture of confirmation. ) Shortly after he is baptized, he is confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and receives the special gift of the Holy Ghost. When hands are laid upon his head and a priesthood blessing is said, that is a saving ordinance. Baptism and confirmation must happen for Bobby to be part of a forever family.(Put the Bobby picture on the rolling chalkboard on the far left.)

                Next is his brother Sam. (Have child remove Sam(Primary picture 3-59 or from the tree) Sam has just turned twelve and is ready to receive the ordinance of the first priesthood, the Aaronic priesthood. It is important because it will help him grow, learn, and prepare to receive the second priesthood, the Melchizedek priesthood. Of course, this is only for boys. (turn picture over to reveal picture of baptism for the dead font) or Upon turning twelve and receiving the Aaronic priesthood, Sam can now go to the temple and perform baptisms(similar to this one) but for those that are dead. Because remember, everyone needs to be baptized. Girls can go do temple baptisms at twelve too.(Put the Sam picture on the rolling chalkboard next to the Bobby picture and put a bow magnet between the two.)

                Next is Edward. (Have child remove Edward from the tree(primary picture packet-3-69 or  He is now 18 and feels ready to serve a mission for two years. Last General Conference young men were given the opportunity to serve at 18 years of age. Before going, he needs to have two saving ordinances happen. One is receiving the second priesthood, the Melchizedek Priesthood. This is a saving act of God that will let him give blessings to those that are sick and help people during hard times. This must happen for Edward to be part of a forever family. (turn picture over to reveal the Endowment room (taken from Temples, p.45)Then, if worthy, he will get to go to the temple and learn more and make more promises with Heavenly Father called the endowment (instruction course from God, “Heavenly Father’s school) This endowment is a saving ordinance and needs to happen before Edward can have a forever family.(Put the Edward picture on the rolling chalkboard next to the Sam picture and put a bow magnet between the two.)

                Next is Mom and Dad. (Have child remove from the tree the Mom and Dad(Gospel Art picture 609 or  They both joined the church as teenagers and learned the importance of being married in the temple and being sealed or bound together forever. (turn picture over to reveal a sealing room picture(Temples, p.10 or could use got married in the temple and were sealed across an alter, in a room like this. Being married in the temple is a saving ordinance and they knew it would mean that these children would be bound to them forever as a forever family. (Put the Mom and Dad picture on the rolling chalkboard next to the Edward picture and put a bow magnet between the two.)

                The last is Grandma and Grandpa. (Have a child remove Grandma and Grandpa from the tree. I just used a clipart picture of an elderly couple) Grandma and Grandpa died before they were able to join to church. So for them to be part of the forever family, they need to receive the saving ordinances. Their living family members can go to the temple and perform the saving ordinances so they can be baptized, confirmed, Grandpa needs the Melchizedek priesthood and they need to be sealed in marriage. (turn picture over to reveal sealing room picture, (Temples, p.51 or Put Grandpa and grandpa on the rolling chalkboard next to the Mom and Dad picture and put a bow magnet between the two.)
  The family is bound like these ties are binding this family and they can be together forever through temple ordinances.

                This is my family and I am thankful we will be sealed together forever and that I will see my grandparents again. From the Proclamation to the World “Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presense of God and for families to be united eternally.” I hope you will strive to go to the temple and work towards having a forever family. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.


  1. This is so beautiful. Thank you so much for your wonderful inspiration!!!

  2. Love the idea. I might try to use my own pictures.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What do you do with each person as you talk about them? It mentions string but I'm not sure what you actually do?
    Love this idea

  5. Wow, how did you find my blog?!!!!
    Ok, sorry this wasn't clear! I had a helper take the family member picture off the tree and we talked about the member as written in the lesson plan. For instance, "Edward is 19 and is ready to serve a mission..." and then I turned the picture over and showed inside the temple(the kids thought that was neat)and then I had a helper put the family member on a rolling chalkboard in a row. So I started with Bobby and had him put on the rolling chalkboard first and then had Sam put next to him, but with a little space between. Then I drew a bowtie between the pictures using colored chalk and "bound" them togther. Then we put Edward on the board and tied him with colored chalk as so on. Senior primary got to draw their own bowties.(They loved that)I actually had TWO sets of these family member pictures(not the temple side). You can print them off on The grandparent is just a googled grandparent image. At home, I taped the pictures together with a cut square piece of lamination or a clear gallon ziploc bag would work. Then I punched two holes in the center of the clear piece and tied a red yarn bowties between the two pictures. I did it this way so I wouldn't be punching holes directly into the pictures, thus ruining them. I just had the stringed pictures folded up on my prep table. Then as my conclusion, I showed the family being bound together with the actual strings. The kids really caught onto this concept as I wiggled the family, shook the family, let go of one end of the family and they were still "bound" together.(use strong tape!!!!) Then I ended with a framed picture of my own family. Sorry if that is still confusing, it made sense in my crazy head!!!!

  6. Darcee, this is absolutely fabulous! Thank you for sharing. Your blog was found on

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  8. Wow! Pretty cool. This is my first week as Primary President. I'm grateful that you took the time to share your ideas. Thank you. It really helps.

    I have 5 kids in my primary and 3 of them are from a split family. I hope to inspire them to take the steps to starting their own Forever Family even though temple marriage is going to be fairly abstract for them. Thank you for the suggestions on how to make the idea more concrete for them.

    God bless :)

  9. wow. this lesson is PERFECT!!! thank you!

  10. Thank you isn't even enough to say how much I appreciate all the work that went into preparing this. You are a true life saver!

  11. I wanted to thank you for your idea. I based my sharing time off if it today and I feel it went really well. Thanks for all your great ideas.

  12. Using this idea in my sharing time lesson tomorrow! Thank you so much!

  13. Between Stake Conference, Father's Day, and us using the last sunday to teach an article of faith, I was left with figuring out how to combine 3 lessons into one (Temples make it possible for families to be together forever, I can prepare now to be worthy to enter the temple, and Family history work connects me to my ancestors). I LOVE that this lessons ties in all 3 of those topics so beautifully! Thank you so much for this idea! How awesome that it is still blessing so many lives after 3 years!
