Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fasting and Prayer Can Strengthen my Testimony Sharing time

Fasting and Prayer Can Strengthen my Testimony Sharing time
July 2012 Week 1
Welcome to Doctrine and Covenants subdivision, neighborhood 109:8.
Houses are taken from sugardoodle.net http://c586449.r49.cf2.rackcdn.com/BAHpieces.pdf
I printed them off on different comstruction paper and assembled them. Sure there is an easier way than my approach!
The neighborhood is excitedly organizing themselves, preparing every needful thing because the last house is being constructed to make the neighborhood a complete verse.  Can you figure out which house is missing? Listen, “Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.”  Right, the house of fasting hasn’t been built yet and is a very important part of this scripture. Will you be builders and help build the house?
Just as it says in the scripture to “Organize yourselves”, I need you to organize yourselves and be reverent so we can get the fasting house built quickly.  When a builder constructs a house, they need a blueprint. We need a set of instructions to see that the house is built correctly and will be strong (hold up house drawn in white crayon on blue construction paper.)  Now we will learn about the law of fasting.  Of course fasting means to go without food and drink – for adults this should be for 2 meals.

House pieces were enlarged from sugardoodle.net http://c586449.r49.cf2.rackcdn.com/BAHpieces.pdf
First ,we will start with a FAITHFUL FOUNDATION.  President Eyring explained that when building the part that the house stands on, there are metal bars that are put in the cement that gives the finished foundation strength. You can’t see them, but as you pour cement and wait for it to cure (harden), (Show picture of foundation being poured http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-new/ehow/images/a07/dp/8r/open-hole-poured-concrete-foundation-800x800.jpg) this process makes the foundation strong and safe. “In a similar way,” he said, “the ground must be carefully prepared for our foundation of FAITH to withstand the storms that will come into every life.” (President Eyring, “Unshakeable Faith”, http://www.lds.org/study/prophets-speak-today/unto-all-the-world/unshakable-faith?lang=eng&query="building+a+foundation")
We must have faith that God truly wants us to fast.  We need TOOL #1 from the tool box to help us. (Have child get tool #1 out of the toolbox) It is TIME(timer) because sometimes it takes time for our faith to become strong. (Have a child help build the “ Faith Foundation” on the board) So we are going to sing a song while we wait for the foundation of our faith to cure and become strong.  Sing “Wise Man and the Foolish Man”.
Toolbox was constructed out of a box, covered in red craft paper and two paper towel rolls hot glued. The tool tags color corresponds to the house part color to make it easier to match. Toolbox clipart for little tool tags found on http://www.vectorart.com/webart/products/33662Q.GIF
So just like the wise man built his house on a rock, our fasting house can be built on a strong foundation of faith.
The blueprint (look at blueprint) says that next we need to PONDER or think about who we should fast for.  Fasting needs a PURPOSE!  Do we need to overcome some problem?  Is a family member or friend sick, need a blessing, need to know about the church, is sad, etc. (source: Gospel Principles, Chapter 25, Fasting, p.146) The tool that can help us is TOOL #2- Our HEART, meaning love for others. (have child pick out heart tool out of the toolbox) Then have another child help build the wall labeled “Purpose”)
According the blueprint, and the Apostle Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, “…fasting almost always is linked with PRAYER. Without prayer, fasting is not complete fasting; it’s simply going hungry. If we want our fasting to be more than just going without eating, we must lift our hearts, our minds, and our voices in communion with our Heavenly Father.” (The Law of the Fast, Joseph B. Wirthlin. April 2001) http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2001/04/the-law-of-the-fast?lang=eng
We should begin each fast with a prayer. This part of the house has a door (show wall with door) because the scriptures say we should knock on the door and ask Heavenly Father for help and He will open it and help us. We need a fasting TOOL #3. It is a linked chain because when we LINK OUR FASTING WITH PRAYER, it makes it stronger and strengthens our testimony. Let’s build this part of the house. (Have a child help build the house labeled “Prayer” while holding the chain link tool)
Next on the blueprint (look at blueprint) is that on the first Sunday of each month, WE DON'T EAT OR DRINK, FOR 2 MEALS FOR ADULTS. Young babies and young children are not required to fast.  I would encourage you to talk to your parents about fasting.  Our older children fast by not eating for one meal.  It is important to understand why those around you are fasting and participate in fasting prayers. (“I Have a Question” Jan 1997 Ensign Sterling C. Hilton http://www.lds.org/ensign/1997/01/i-have-a-question/i-have-a-question?lang=eng&query="i+have+a+question")
Did you know that Jesus fasted for forty days and forty nights? That’s a long time without food! But we are only asked to fast for one day.  Let’s find TOOL #4- (Have child help get tool from toolbox) It is a “POSITIVE ATTITUDE” flashlight.  We should be happy when fasting, not complaining that we are hungry. “And for a short time, we literally put ourselves in the position of the hungry and the needy.” Joseph B. Wirthlin, (The Law of the Fast. http://www.lds.org/liahona/2001/07/the-law-of-the-fast?lang=eng&query="law+of+the+fast")  As we do so, we have greater understanding of how they might feel.  Let’s build this part of the house (put up windows labeled “Skip 2 meals for adults”)
Next on the blueprint, it says we need to ATTEND SACRAMENT MEETING.  We should partake of the sacrament and it will help strengthen our testimonies. We need TOOL #5 from the tool box. “BEAR TESTIMONY” is the tool with the hammer and nails.  Just like the hammer and nails strengthen the house, bearing our testimony in fast and testimony meeting on the first Sunday can strengthen our testimony and make our fast more powerful.  (Have a child build the roof on the house labeled “Attend Sacrament Meeting”, hammer the roof a bit)
The blueprint next instructs to “KEEP THE SABBATH DAY HOLY”.  So do things on Sunday that will invite the spirit.  We need TOOL #6 to help.  It is a set of SCRIPTURES. Studying the scriptures will definitely make our fast stronger and keep us warm with the spirit on Sunday.  A chimney helps keep our homes warm, let’s put that on the top of the house. (Have child put the “chimney” labeled “Keep Sabbath Day Holy” on the house.)
Our house is nearly complete. But we need to do one more thing. We need to CLOSE OUR FAST WITH A PRAYER. Let’s put the mailbox up to remind us to seal our fast with prayer. (Have a child help put up mailbox) We can also pay a fast offering.  A Fast Offering is when we pay the money we would have spent on those skipped meals to the Bishop to be used to help the poor and needy.
Well, the house of fasting is now complete and as is our Doctrine & Covenants 109:8 neighborhood. I hope we will all remember that each time we fast and pray our own houses and testimonies are strengthened. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.
 Steps for fasting source: Fasting with Power By Elder Shayne M. Bowen, Ensign, April 2009
additional source: "Building Your Eternal Home", President Thomas S. Monson 1984 General Conference


  1. I am really new to this and wondering why the 4th week in June was skipped. Am I suppose to skip it? It's on dressing modestly. Thanks!

    1. Occasionally there are not enough lessons for each week, or due to stake conference or general conference there are too many lessons for each month. Our Primary Presidency discusses these at the beginning of the month to determine how to either combine or split lessons.

  2. No! The theme for the last week of June IS on modesty. I also have a sharing time for that theme called "Modest Molly" sharing time. It is an older sharing time so you will have to look for it or go to SUGARDOODLE under the June week 4 themes. I do not have a sharing time for every week throughout the year. I try and have as many as I can come up with. I don't teach most of the lessons that I post. I am just not that creative to come up with something weekly, haha! Sometimes, I do recycle older sharing times that match a particular theme. Good luck, Primary is awesome!

  3. I am struggling to pull up the link for the toolbox clip art - it brings up a black page for me??? Any suggestions? Thank you for the awesome sharing time idea!

    1. I had a hard time but when I did control P it worked.

  4. When I click on the first link it just brings up a page full of different letters and numbers. Suggestions?

  5. I am not having that problem, hmmm... Sorry you guys are. Someone is more than welcome to create documents to go with this lesson, send it to sugardoodle.net and Melanie may add it and make the lesson easier on everyone! I did mention that I am not computer saavy, right?!!!!:)

  6. Thank you for the tremendous work you do and share to others. I have been using the ideas you share for a couple months now and I have had nothing but success during sharing time. Thank you for leaving such detailed notes and links to talks. I feel more prepared and connected to the topic than ever!

  7. Fabulous idea! Thank you thank you!!

  8. This is awesome! The best idea I've come across. Deifinitely using it!!!

  9. Oh my heavens! This is super cute and will keep the attention of our children. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  10. Thank you SO much for this idea!!! LOVE IT!!!

  11. Big big thanks for sharing all of your ideas. I use them frequently and all the Primary kids have a great time AND learn the gospel principles. I know it is a lot of work to keep up on, so just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it.

  12. Sonia
    i am SONIA , from the ALASKA U S A. my boyfriend whom i loved passionately left me for another girl four months ago inspite we have being dating for the pass two years. when he broke the news to me that he wasn't interested any more on our relationship i thought the whole world has come to an end' thanks to chief priest uzaro of uzarospelltemple@yahoo.com who came to my rescue at the very time i wanted to take my own life with my hands. right now, not only am i having my boyfriend to myself alone but we are getting married very soon before the years runs out. once again thanks a dozen time great one

  13. Sonia
    i am SONIA , from the ALASKA U S A. my boyfriend whom i loved passionately left me for another girl four months ago inspite we have being dating for the pass two years. when he broke the news to me that he wasn't interested any more on our relationship i thought the whole world has come to an end' thanks to chief priest uzaro of uzarospelltemple@yahoo.com who came to my rescue at the very time i wanted to take my own life with my hands. right now, not only am i having my boyfriend to myself alone but we are getting married very soon before the years runs out. once again thanks a dozen time great one

  14. Thanks! I was really stumped this week but this idea helped a lot!

  15. This was awesome!! Made a great lesson even for the teens.

  16. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing idea!

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