When I pay my tithing, Heavenly
Father will Bless me Sharing time
June 2012 Week 2
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Boy picture of paying tithing is from http://www.ldsclipart.com/wp-content/uploads/bwbps/tithing3.jpg Girl picture of paying tithing tithing is from Primary packet 3-26 The board is a school project board that I have covered with contact paper so it can be reused. With a roll of painter's tape! The game spaces are just text boxes with "Windows of Heaven", "Move to the next wallet" and "Move to the next bill" printed on green construction paper. The point is to get as many questions answered, so these make the game go quicker. |
Father in Heaven loves you and has given you many blessings. He asks you to return to Him one tenth of all you earn. The one tenth you give to the Lord is called tithing. Tithing is used to build up Heavenly Father’s kingdom on the earth. President Hinckley learned this helpful poem as a boy,
So if you have 10 dollars, you give a dollar, if you have a dollar, you give ten cents. If you have a dime, you give the Lord one penny.
Has anyone seen one of these?(Show tithing envelope) When you pay your tithing, you should fill out the slip, place the money in the envelope, seal it, print your name on the front of the envelope, and give it to the bishop or one of his counselors. Taken from Primary 3 Manual “Tithing” p. 208-12 or Sharing Time 2012 June theme
(Opening taken from Friend November 1996 Karen Ashtonhttp://www.lds.org/friend/1996/11/sharing-time-tithes-and-offerings?lang=eng&query=sharing+time+tithing)
If we pay our tithing faithfully, we will be blessed. In Malachi 3:10 it reads, Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
We are going to play a
game about tithing to discover how tithing is used to bless others, and learn
what some of the great blessings are that we can receive from paying tithing. We will roll a die and if we land on a bill from
another country we will answer a question about tithing. If we land on a
wallet, we will discover one way tithing is used to bless others and figure out
how much tithing should be given, and if we roll a “Window of Heaven” we will
pick a window of heaven and discover a way that we are blessed when we pay our
BILLS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES, (Any countries will do. Here are some examples, I used some from various husband business trips!):
Mexico- peso- http://www.internetpv.com/images/peso/PESO_500.jpg
Russia- Ruble- http://www.currency-calculator.org/images/currency/rub.jpg
Russia- Ruble- http://www.currency-calculator.org/images/currency/rub.jpg
Central Africa-Central
African franc- http://www.mypivots.com/images/banknotes/xaf-10000-cfa-francs-beac-2.jpg
Indonesia- Rupiah- http://www.forwards4all.com/archives/02202010/indonesia-2.jpg
Canada- Canadian dollar- http://www.mypivots.com/images/banknotes/cad-5-canadian-dollars-2.jpg
Indonesia- Rupiah- http://www.forwards4all.com/archives/02202010/indonesia-2.jpg
Canada- Canadian dollar- http://www.mypivots.com/images/banknotes/cad-5-canadian-dollars-2.jpg
Questions on the back
of each foreign bill-
How much tithing do we
pay to the Lord?
Who is pleased when we
pay our tithing?
Who do we give our
tithing to?
Do we need to pay our
tithing to be able to go to the temple?
What kind of attitude
should we have when we pay tithing?
What will we receive
from paying tithing?What do we show Heavenly Father when we pay our tithing?
a child rolls a “Windows of Heaven” on the die or lands on game space, a window will be opened to reveal a blessing that comes from paying tithing. The blessing is written on the back of "Blessing" strip)
source for the “windows of heaven” blessings-http://www.sugardoodle.net/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5448
Window for windows of heaven-http://alumrockhardware.com/images/Hardwood-Window.jpg?60WINDOWS OF HEAVEN-
of Peace
quote for SR Primary)- “A feeling of peace is one of the great
blessings of paying a full tithe. Those who have kept the commandment of tithing can testify that the blessing of peace is real
and precious.” Henry B. Eyring, The Blessings of Tithing http://www.lds.org/liahona/2011/06/the-blessings-of-tithing?lang=eng&query=tithing
love for God and others
quote for SR Primary) “..those who pay tithing feel an increase
in their love of God and of all God’s children. That increase of love comes
from understanding how the Father uses the tithes we offer to bless people in
this world and for eternity.” Henry B. Eyring, The Blessings of Tithing http://www.lds.org/liahona/2011/06/the-blessings-of-tithing?lang=eng&query=tithing
of going to temple
quote for SR Primary): “Keeping the commandments, which includes paying our tithing, will
qualify us to enter those temples, be sealed to our families, and receive
eternal blessings. Quote from Lorenzo Snow Tithing: A Test of Faith with
Eternal Blessings October 2002
from enemies
quote for SR Primary)- President Lorenzo Snow-“ If we observe this law, no matter what our
enemies may do, the Lord will preserve us.” Tithing: A Test of Faith with
Eternal Blessings October 2002
money for our needs
quote for SR Primary) In October of 1998 Hurricane Mitch devastated many parts
of Central America. President Gordon B. Hinckley was very concerned for the
victims of this disaster, many of whom lost everything—food, clothing, and
household goods. He visited these Saints. The prophet wanted to help them
unlock the windows of heaven as promised by the Lord in the book of Malachi
“President Hinckley taught them that if they would pay their tithing, they
would always have food on their tables, they would always have clothing on
their backs, and they would always have a roof over their heads. (April 2005-
Tithing- A commandment Even for the Destitute Lynn G. Robbins) http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2005/04/tithing-a-commandment-even-for-the-destitute?lang=eng
quote for SR Primary) “We receive spiritual
light when we pay our tithing, as the windows of
heaven can then open up.” ( “Put Light in your Life”, President James E. Faust.
June 2007) http://www.lds.org/liahona/2007/06/put-light-in-your-life?lang=eng&query=tithing
Strength to obey other commandments
quote for SR Primary) "The honest
payment of tithing provides a person the inner strength and commitment to
comply with the other commandments." (“Be Thou an Example” Thomas S.
more honest and thankful
quote for SR Primary) He allows us to use everything
on this earth. He only asks us to return one-tenth. Tithing is a token of gratitude,
obedience, and thanksgiving— Paying tithing, willingly, develops an honest and
pure heart. (May 2007 Ensign, “Will a Man Rob God?” Yoshihiko Kikuchi) http://www.lds.org/ensign/2007/05/will-a-man-rob-god?lang=eng&query=tithing+brings+blessings
quote for SR Primary) “Tithing, then, is one of the bedrock foundation
principles of exaltation…. It is a principle of great promise and brings
eternal joy and happiness.” (Elder Hartman Rector, Jr. “That Ye May Have Roots
and Branches, Ensign, May 1983 p.25) http://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll/Magazines/Ensign/1983.htm/ensign%20may%201983%20.htm/that%20ye%20may%20have%20roots%20and%20branches%20.htm?fn=document-frameset.htm$f=templates$3.0
LEFTOVER-One place on the board when the
marker passes is a “leftover” (a small piece of tin foil wrapped around a half
eaten piece of pizza with the below quote in the tin foil.)
“When serving a meal, it is much
easier to set one more plate at the beginning of the meal than it is to find
food for a latecomer once the meal is over and the food has been served.
Likewise, isn’t it actually easier to give the Lord the firstlings or the
firstfruits than it is to hope that there are sufficient “leftovers” for Him?
As the founder of our feast, shouldn’t He be the guest of honor, the
first to be served?” So we pay tithing first before any spending! http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2005/04/tithing-a-commandment-even-for-the-destitute?lang=eng
2005- Tithing- A Commandment Even for the Destitute Lynn G. Robbins)
landed on a WALLET http://www.business-clipart.com/business_clipart_images/wallet_with_money_and_credit_cards_0515-1002-2013-1149_SMU.jpg the children will choose a
wallet with play money in it, filled out tithing slip with envelope and a
picture of how that tithing can be used to bless others.
are made from folding a rectangular piece of cut brown construction paper and
stapling the folded bottom up to create a pocket for play money. Play money
printed on green construction paper from http://www.theideadoorfiles.com/index.php/primary/29-primary/printables-for-primary/1284-primary-bucks-and-funny-money )
that are inside the tithing envelopes that represent how tithing blesses
others- In each wallet is either $10(10 ones in play money), $20(a ten and five in play money and five ones), or $30(two tens and a five and five ones in play money. The tithing slip is already filled out- The name is Full Tithe Payer, addresss is 2000 Faithful St, etc. One child can put the money in the envelope as you talk about the picture of where that tithing may be going to help.)
Hymnal- http://latterdayhymns.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/lds-hymn-book.png
Books of Mormon- http://blog.moregoodfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/book-mormon.jpg
Books of Mormon- http://blog.moregoodfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/book-mormon.jpg
Apps- https://lh5.ggpht.com/Yl4VJCfNFpq4tPHsOnJVgcdtqYi04ahA5zc3IkPL8bJW3oBcAhN-0SDMG4e11ne2zKI=w705
for where tithing goes http://www.lds.org/general-conference/1994/04/tithing?lang=eng&query=tithing+brings+blessings
(You can find a copy of this file named "Sharing time- Tithing.doc" at my Skydrive: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=976904c8bfc9a79e&sc=documents&id=976904C8BFC9A79E%21105)