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I am sorry that I can't remember who I copied the design of this box off of. If you know, please comment so credit can be given! |
June 2013 Week 2- "If I Live Worthily, the Holy Ghost Will Help me Choose the Right"
When we are 8 years old something very special happens. We get baptized! When we are baptized, we are following the example of Jesus and we must do this in order to live with Jesus Christ forever. The second verse of the Primary song, "When I am Baptized" says, "I know when I am baptized my wrongs are washed away, And I can be forgiven and improve myself each day."
After you are baptized, you are confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost to help improve ourselves. The Holy Ghost is a very special gift. The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead next to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He doesn’t have a body of flesh and bones like Heavenly father and Jesus, so I can’t show you a picture of what he looks like. But this is a picture of how we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Because He doesn’t have a body, he is able to be inside us and help us in a unique way. I have a box here that I am going to fill with objects that help us discover how the gift of the Holy Ghost can help us and why the Holy Ghost is so special. My helpers won’t be able to see the objects with their eyes because they will be blindfolded, much like we can’t see the Holy Ghost. We will have to feel them to know what they are, just like we have to feel by the power of the Holy Ghost when something is true and right.
Objects in the feel box
SEASHELL- Have the children feel in the box the item. Then reveal it and have person try and listen to the ocean. They will have to be quiet and still as they try and hear it. You could have them talk and try to listen at the same time. You really have to be attuned to "hear" the sound. SHOW PICTURE OF REVERENT GIRL- Friend September 1996 or http://www.lds.org/hf/multimedia/files/book/33776_1828_topics_rev_st.jpg (sorry I couldn't find a bigger image)
This is also true with the Holy Ghost. We have to be quiet and still to hear its promptings because the holy ghost speaks in a still small voice. Pass shell around while listening to “Listen, Listen” when the music stops have the child listen to the ocean while everyone is quiet. Would someone put the reverent child on the board to remind us that if we listen carefully to the Holy Ghost, he will give us answers.
Next item- Have the child feel inside box. The Holy Ghost is like a WARM BLANKET because he can comfort you. The Holy Ghost is sometimes called the comforter. He can bring you strength and comfort when you need to make hard decisions in your life or when you are sad or lonely. When we are scared, the Holy Ghost can make us feel better. All we have to do is pray and he will be right there. Have a child put the SCARED CHILD Friend July 2009, p. 38 or http://www.lds.org/churchmagazines/FR_2009_07_00___04267_000_000.pdf picture on the board.
Next item- Have child feel inside box- The SCRIPTURES can remind you that the Holy Ghost always speaks the truth. When you study and pray about the Book of Mormon and the Bible, Heavenly Father can let you know through the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true, that Jesus is real.
Next item- MANUAL This manual can remind you that the Holy Ghost is a teacher, and can teach you just like your parents at home or your primary teacher. (Show picture of the Teacher and Primary Child)We can feel by the Holy Ghost that the truths that our teachers are telling us are true. It can also help you learn at church, school and home. (Put the PRIMARY TEACHER Primary packet 3-65 or cover of August 2003 Friend http://www.lds.org/churchmagazines/2003/Aug2003Friend.pdf or p. 10 of http://www.lds.org/churchmagazines/FR_2008_01_00___02261_000_000.pdf on the board)
Next item- Have child feel inside box- The Holy Ghost will light your way like a CANDLE and help you walk along the righteous path that leads back to our Heavenly Father. (SHOW PATH PICTURE p. 3 of http://www.lds.org/churchmagazines/2003/Mar2003Friend.pdf)
use a electronic candle, and hand. The candle represents you. You feel something is right it is the Holy Ghost giving you that burning feeling like a candle burns brightly.
Take a HARD BOILED EGG (representing ourselves) and explain that we all sin and make mistakes. Take a crayon and make marks on the egg, then explain that after you are baptized all of our sins are washed away. Crack the egg and peel off the hard shell. You have a white (clean/pure) egg. Explain that when you receive the Holy Ghost, it allows you to keep your egg clean by giving you prompts when something isn’t the right thing to do. The Holy Ghost helps us be good and clean like our baptism day. (PUT BAPTISM picture http://www.ldsimages.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/mormon-baptism.jpg on board)
EMPTY PAPER TOWEL ROLL AND DIRTY CLOTH- Have children feel through box and try and figure it out. Show them and talk through talked through it. Then I stuff the tube with dirty rags (representing sin and other distractions). When I talked through the tube, they can’t hear me. The importance of keeping our lives pure and making sure that we take time to listen for the promptings.
The HEART can remind you that sometimes you won’t hear the Holy Ghost, but you will feel a warm feeling in your heart. The heart can also remind you(open box with picture of Jesus in it) that because Heavenly Father and Jesus love you and he is real. Heavenly Father and Jesus have given you the very special gift of the Holy Ghost to help you to return to live with them someday. Put CHRIST AND CHILDREN picture on board.
It is my prayer that each of you will try your best to be worthy to have the Holy Ghost with you all the time and that you will listen to the Holy Ghost.
Love this! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteJust so you know I translated your ideas into Portuguese for all of Brazil to be able and teach in such an effective way! Thank you for sharing.
SO awesome!!! Thanks so much!! This is from last year, but fits this year's theme!! I'm excited for this!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is seriously wonderfully thought out. It is done in a way that will invite the Spirit into Primary. Thanks for the ideas!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for all your ideas.
ReplyDeleteGOOD idea! Thank you so much. SEE U soon.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea but I have just one comment. When children get baptized at the age of 8 they are not getting baptized to remove sin (they are sinless like Jesus Christ). They are following His example that he set for us to be baptized.
ReplyDeleteI have changed it a bit. I was using the "When I am Baptized" primary song and this Friend article as references when I wrote that opening part.http://www.lds.org/friend/1999/08/clean?lang=eng&query=baptism+cleanses+me+sin
ReplyDeleteSorry about the confusion. I am a little confused myself about baptism and children. The church is still true!Happy teaching all:)
Anonymous and Darcee,
ReplyDeleteHere is a great explanation of that (wrongs vs sins) that I love:
Maybe this is something we can incorporate into the Sharing Time idea shared above.
I hope this helps!
Thank you for all your amazing ideas. I love them.
ReplyDeleteSeriously you have the best ideas for sharing time ever!! I did your time machine one and I had Dads in the ward coming up and saying it was the best sharing time they had ever seen!! You know its good when even the Dad's enjoy it too!! Thank you so much for the ideas and sharing them!!!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea, it is a great way of teaching about the Holy Ghost. Thank You for all of your wonderful ideas. I am so glad you help me out with all of your wonderful ideas for sharing time Thank You
ReplyDeleteI also think this is a good hands on activity that teaches. I am also going to have my "small" group of Primary children sit on the floor in front of me and I will teach very quietly.
ReplyDeleteThe spirit touched me on this one. Thank you:-)
ReplyDeleteWonderful Ideas...Thanks to you Sharing time will be fun!
ReplyDeleteI don't have a seashell! :/
ReplyDeleteI love this! I am planning to use it for my next sharing time. I am having trouble loading the referenced pictures. I have clicked on the link and it just takes me to the church's website and I've also manually typed in the links. Is there any other way of gaining access to the resources?
ReplyDeleteI had everything on hand - didn't have to buy a thing. Even had the seashell, the kind you listen to and hear the ocean! I know the kids will really enjoy the interaction. Thank you! Carol in Illinois
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful way to teach and inspire our Primary children, especially the little ones!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. Mary in Virginia
If you don't have a seashell (I don't) any cup will work.
ReplyDeleteI loved this! Thank you so much for sharing! I get to speak at my nieces baptism and this will be perfect!