Sharing Time –
Because Jesus Christ was Resurrected, I Will Be Resurrected Too.
March 2013, Week 3
Before we came to earth we were spirits (Show your
hand). We could move, think, choose, and
learn (Wiggle your fingers). When we
came to earth we each received a body (put hand in glove). We can still move, think, choose, and learn,
but now we have wonderful bodies to take care of. When we die, the body and the spirit separate
(take off the glove). The body can no
longer move, but our spirit still lives.
When we are resurrected, our body and our spirit are together again (put
on glove), and the body and the spirit will never be separated again. Jesus was the first one to be resurrected.
Jesus died on the cross and was placed in a tomb and on the third day, he rose
from the dead. “Because He was
resurrected, all people who have ever lived will be resurrected. There are many witnesses who saw Jesus after
He was resurrected.” (Taken from “Sharing time- I Can Repent and be Happy”,
Friend April, 2006
We will hear from some witnesses today! In the back (or side) of the room is a time
machine that will bring back some witnesses from the past to tell you how they
know that Jesus was resurrected. (Invite
some members to come dressed up as witnesses.
Each could hold a “snap shot” picture(could frame them) to help enhance their account.
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Example of framed "snap shots". Sheets, towels, ties, and scraps of materials could be used for the dress up clothes. |
The more the witnesses act and portray, the
more engaged the children will be.)
Time machine ideas:
Make the
time machine from a large cardboard box – in some areas you can get a
refrigerator box for free at a local hardware store – then cut open a door in
the front and back. Place the box at one
of the doors to the Primary room. Keep
the primary door open. The back door of
the box will allow the time traveler to come in from the hallway, through the
time machine door and into the Primary room.
Place a
decorated sheet (paper or cloth) over a primary door and have the time traveler
come in past the sheet
Each time you are ready for the next time traveler you could have the piano play a scale (time machine music) to cue the time traveler to knock on the time machine and enter the Primary room.
MARY MAGDALENE – My name is Mary Magdalene and I know that
Jesus Christ was resurrected! It was a
Sunday, and I came to the tomb of Jesus early.
I saw the stone taken away from the sepulchre or tomb.(see John
20:1) I ran and told Simon Peter and
another loved disciple of Jesus Christ that they had taken away the Lord out of
the sepulchre and I felt confused where they had laid him. (see John 20:2) The two disciples ran
together and saw the linen clothes lying, but there was no Jesus. (John 20:3-7)
The disciples went home but I stayed at the sepulchre weeping. (John 20:11)
I felt such sorrow and sadness. I
looked into the sepulchre and saw two angels and they said to me, “Woman, why
weepest thou?” I answered, “Because they
have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him”. (John 20:13) And when I said these words I
turned around and saw Jesus standing, but I didn’t know it was him. Jesus said to me, “Woman, why weepest thou?
Whom do you seek?” I thought he was the
gardener and I pleaded with him for the body of Jesus. Just then, Jesus called my name. I knew it was Him, my Master. Oh such joy I felt. (Show picture of “Mary and Resurrected
Jesus”) (John 20:15-16) Jesus asked me not to touch Him, but to go and tell the
disciples that he had risen from the dead.
(John 20:17) (PICTURE- “Mary and Resurrected Jesus” from Primary picture
packet 2-62 or
THOMAS – My name is Thomas and I know that Jesus Christ was
resurrected! Well, not at first… let me
explain. The same day that Mary
Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen Jesus, Christ the Lord
actually appeared to the disciples. He
showed them His wounded hands and side.
(show picture of Resurrected Jesus from GAK 234) The disciples felt glad that they had seen
the resurrected Jesus. (John 20:19-20) I
was not in the room and didn’t get to see Jesus at this time. When I arrived, the disciples told me they
saw Jesus. I said to them, “Except I
shall see in his hands the print of nails, and put my finger into the print of
the nails, and thrust my hands into his side, I will NOT believe.” (John
20:24-25) I felt doubt. (Show picture of
“Doubting Thomas” from New Era) Eight days later, Jesus did come to me. He said to me, “Reach hither thy finger, and
behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be
not faithless, but believing.” I believed!!!!
“My Lord, and my God”, I felt my faith grow and was happy. Jesus told me that I believed because I had
seen Him, but blessed are those people, like you young people, that believe in
Jesus even though you haven’t seen Him.
(John 20:26-29) (PICTURE- “Jesus shows His wounds” from “Doubting Thomas” from
SIMON PETER – My name is Simon Peter and I know that Jesus
Christ was resurrected! I was with some
of the disciples of Jesus and I went fishing.
That was my job. And all night we
fished and caught NOTHING! At morning
time, Jesus stood on the shore, but like Mary I was confused. I didn’t know the man was Jesus. (show picture of “Simon Peter Sees Jesus”) He
asked us if we had caught anything to eat.
We said, “No”, and Jesus said, “Cast the net on the right side of the
ship and ye shall find.” I “drew the net to land full of great fishes, an
hundred and fifty and three, and for all there was so many…” Jesus then told me it was Him, I ran in the
water to Him. I felt such gladness
inside. (show picture of “Feed my
Sheep”) We dined on the fish and Jesus
asked me to “Feed His Sheep” and become a great missionary. (John 21:4-6,11-16) (PICTURE- “Simon Peter sees Jesus” from and then “Feed my Sheep” from
CLEOPAS – My name is Cleopas and I know that Jesus Christ
was resurrected! On the third day after
Jesus was crucified, I was walking with another disciple from Jerusalem to a
nearby village called Emmaus. (See Luke
24:13–32.) As we walked, we talked about Jesus, how he had been taken by the
Roman soldiers, crucified, and then tenderly placed in the sepulchre, by his
friends. I felt confused because Mary
Magdalene had told the disciples that the stone had been rolled away from the
sepulchre, which was guarded by soldiers, and that Jesus’ body was gone. As we walked, another traveler joined
us. He asked us what we were talking about
and why I was so sad. I couldn’t believe
that the traveler had not heard about the crucifixion of Jesus. I told the traveler that the women had gone
to the sepulchre and found it empty.
Then the traveler began to talk.
He reminded me of all the scriptures that prophesied that a Savior would
come, teach people how to live, then die and rise from the dead, so that all
people could live again. We got near the
village of Emmaus. I asked the traveler
to spend the night with us. He
agreed. As we ate together, I realized
that the traveler was the resurrected Jesus.
I remember how happy I was!
(taken from Sharing time: On the Road to Emmaus, Virginia Pearce)
(PICTURE- “Road to Emmaus” from Primary picture packet 2-63 or
NEPHITE WOMAN OR MAN – I am a Nephite and I know that Jesus
Christ was resurrected! “For three days
thick darkness covered the land of the Nephites. There was not a glimmer of sunlight or a twinkle
of starlight. Not even a candle would
light.” I was frightened listening to the thunder and terrible storms and felt
earthquakes shake the ground. Now in the
darkness many people cried and howled.
They wished they had repented.
Suddenly a voice was heard throughout all the land: “Behold, I am Jesus
Christ the Son of God. I created the
heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are. I was with the Father from the
beginning.” We Nephites were so
astonished to hear the voice of Jesus that we sat silent for many hours,
pondering what we had heard. Then from
heaven we heard a quiet voice.
We looked up
and saw Jesus coming down from heaven until He stood right there with us. Jesus let me and every other person there
touch His hands and feet to feel the places where He had been nailed to the
cross. We all saw and felt for
ourselves, we knew He was the resurrected Savior. We cried, “Hosanna”. I was overjoyed! (See 3 Nephi 11, Taken from"resurrected+jesus")
(PICTURE- “Jesus visits the Nephites” from
MEMBER OPTION #1 – (Invite a ward member who has had a loved one die to come to
Primary and briefly share why he or she is thankful for the Resurrection –
maybe holding a picture of the loved one. Taken from the 2013 Children’s
Sharing time outline)
MEMBER OPTION #2 – (Arrange an older Primary child to share the following story
holding a picture of a baby) “This is my
brother. His name is David Alan, and he
would have been three years old this year.
But when he was born, he couldn’t breathe very well. He stayed alive in the hospital long enough
to have a blessing, and then he died. I
never got to see my brother, and sometimes I’m really sad about that.” (Hold up
picture of Jesus) “But because of the Atonement and Resurrection, I don’t have
to be sad all the time. When Jesus died
and came back to life, He made it possible for my little brother to one day
have a perfect body. That will happen
when Jesus comes back to earth and people are resurrected. I can hardly wait, because then I will see my
little brother again.” (Hold up brother’s picture again.) “I know sometimes
people have to die. My family still gets
sad sometimes when we think of David Alan.
But we know that Jesus suffered for our sins, died for us, and was
resurrected so that we can be resurrected too.
(taken from
I have a
testimony, like these witnesses we heard today, that Jesus Christ was
resurrected and we will be too. I say
these things, in the name of Jesus Christ.